Saturday, November 20, 2021

Darkness Rises - Original Poem


Darkness Rises

Wine soaked mind full of nebulous thoughts 

Here they come

There they go

Fear flutters at my mind, 

Like a soft trickle of water

One wrong move and it's all over

Deadmans wash will carry me away

Pulling me under

Luring me into darkness that paints the soul

One gasp

One kick

And a new darkness rises 

This one darker than the last 

Swift and sure

I rise

Darkness rises with me

Blending and morphing with the light 

Able to bend them both 

To know them both

Love them both

All because fear thought it won 

I Am Made - Orignial Poem


Image from

 I Am Made

I am not made from meek and quiet things

I am meant to roar and fly with spread wings

Staying small and unseen isn't my gift

Words will rip from my passionate soul

Every look of censure, every whispered glance

It's all for nothing, because I wasn't made for that

I am made for speaking up

And holding a spotlight on things

I am made for stirring the pot 

And making you scared

I am made to rise like a fucking wild thing

And point the way through the forest

- PSpencer

November 2021 Full Beaver Moon Eclipse

 How about that lunar eclipse energy, eh?

This spectacular event is powerful and illuminating. And I stayed in bed, enjoying it from the comfort of my home. I've been feeling a lot of the intense energy, without seeing it with my own eyes. It's been nearly overwhelming, so I excused myself from it and meditated instead. 

I've had an awakening these past few weeks, momentum keeping me flying towards a precipice I never thought I'd see or experience. My ability to connect with Spirit has strengthened, and I've been getting information at light speed compared to before. 

I've experienced physical side effects that cannot be explained any other way and never had them like this before. I'm pretty in tune with myself, always have been. But this is another level entirely. 

Awakening Symptoms (so far)

  • When your lower spine feels like a heating pad has heated it, and you're not using one...
  • When the rush of energy courses through your body like pulsing waves of light, waking the nerves along the way...
  • Information comes cascading down, infused with excited energy, and leaves you feeling dead tired...
  • Telling people things they haven't said to others, or to me, and it being correct...
  • Intuitively knowing the exact meaning of the cards, when you haven't read the correspondences in Tarot...
  • Needing to ground yourself in multiple ways, because suddenly you're a lightning rod amongst the trees...

It all adds up to this awakening, this connection to Spirit, the surrounding universe, feeling them and being inspired by them. 

In this powerful time, I'm concentrating on grounded connections, learning about my energy boundaries, and respecting them. I have little idea how this will go, but I know it's the beginning of something amazing. Hope to see you along the ride, and that you get all the support you need and want. 

***Message about this time:

This Lunar Eclipse is a time of changes, the harbinger of big changes and special beginnings, a time to listen to your soul and release what harms it. Take this moment to grasp the meaning and embracing it. 

Why Did The Pandemic Happen?


To do away with what was hurting Earth, and people. 

The gift of loss and grief is now, but almost done. 

Give time to the knowledge and feeling of security and don't lose sight of the spiritual and universe along the way. 

Emotion are high, and coloring situations falsely, time of confusion and hope, clarity and depression. 

It's all going to be okay. Give it time. 

Trust the process. Trust Spirit. Trust yourself. 

Do away with false beliefs, old thoughts, useless patterns. 

Humanity is leveling up, higher consciencness, love, and good.

Emotional highs n anger, uncertainty, the dying of the masculine will lash back as he fades into the morning light. 

Feminine will heal, entering a new era of seeing, feeling and knowing. 


The above was a channelled message from Spirit and my guides about the pandemic. We're in year two of this world-wide phenomenon, and many feel anger, uncertainty, and struggle to find hope and purpose. It's a stagnant energy we're living in, and while it's useful for the progression of the human species, it's uncomfortable, heart-rending, and chaotic. 

In generations past, plagues would ravage the world, decimating populations, and allowing the Earth to renew itself. The weight of humanity diminished during those times, and I feel that this pandemic serves the same purpose. We're in this moment of civilization that has to face this. 

I want to offer hope, however. We cannot have darkness without light, cannot have life with death of some sort. Death isn't a horrible thing, but since it's another life happening that we've been distanced from, we fear it. Death isn't the total ending of someone or something. It's a promise of a new beginning, and don't we all need those from time to time?  

So during these last weeks of 2021, take the time to release whatever energy you've been carrying the last few years. Let it go, it's served you long enough. 

It's time to move into the season of comfort, self healing, and intimacy with family, universe, and tradition. 

Death Comes To Us All

  In a world of chaos, I’m embracing death and change. Life and death, the cosmic balance of life that is something we used to know as a spe...