Saturday, November 20, 2021

November 2021 Full Beaver Moon Eclipse

 How about that lunar eclipse energy, eh?

This spectacular event is powerful and illuminating. And I stayed in bed, enjoying it from the comfort of my home. I've been feeling a lot of the intense energy, without seeing it with my own eyes. It's been nearly overwhelming, so I excused myself from it and meditated instead. 

I've had an awakening these past few weeks, momentum keeping me flying towards a precipice I never thought I'd see or experience. My ability to connect with Spirit has strengthened, and I've been getting information at light speed compared to before. 

I've experienced physical side effects that cannot be explained any other way and never had them like this before. I'm pretty in tune with myself, always have been. But this is another level entirely. 

Awakening Symptoms (so far)

  • When your lower spine feels like a heating pad has heated it, and you're not using one...
  • When the rush of energy courses through your body like pulsing waves of light, waking the nerves along the way...
  • Information comes cascading down, infused with excited energy, and leaves you feeling dead tired...
  • Telling people things they haven't said to others, or to me, and it being correct...
  • Intuitively knowing the exact meaning of the cards, when you haven't read the correspondences in Tarot...
  • Needing to ground yourself in multiple ways, because suddenly you're a lightning rod amongst the trees...

It all adds up to this awakening, this connection to Spirit, the surrounding universe, feeling them and being inspired by them. 

In this powerful time, I'm concentrating on grounded connections, learning about my energy boundaries, and respecting them. I have little idea how this will go, but I know it's the beginning of something amazing. Hope to see you along the ride, and that you get all the support you need and want. 

***Message about this time:

This Lunar Eclipse is a time of changes, the harbinger of big changes and special beginnings, a time to listen to your soul and release what harms it. Take this moment to grasp the meaning and embracing it. 

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