Friday, August 13, 2021

Obese In A Fat Phobic World - Fat, Binge Eating, And Mental Health

I want to talk about being obese, the binge eating, the mental health and the reality of the societal dichotomy of accepting and judging overweight people.

obese, fat phobic, binge eating, mental health

Society tells me, an obese woman, that it’s my fault. I just need to eat less, move more. I need this fad or that pill. All my ailments stem from these extra pounds I’m so willingly carrying. Everything would be better, if I just lost some weight. I could go into the emergency room with an ailment, and they would say weight is the problem. 

Break a bone? Lose weight.

Migraines? Lose weight.

Random rashes? Lose weight.

Gun shot? Lose weight.

Thyroid issues?? Lose the fucking weight.

What they don’t tell you is that it’s not that simple. Otherwise fewer people would be overweight.

I can wax poetic about the ways big business and big pharmaceutical have helped sideline the obese population, but that isn’t the point of this. I’m sure I’ll discuss that at a later date. Living in a fat phobic world had led to so many issues with me, and others like me who were obese in childhood. This isn't only for childhood obesity though, the phobia, the fears, the projections; it all affects obese people. 

I was among the first to develop in my class. 9 years old, bleeding and growing breasts; it was an enormous factor into my oddity among my peers. Bullied and taunted. Hormones raged while I gained pound after pound of fleshly armor. I coped in the only way I knew how... eating. Eat until it hurts. Then doing it again and again; every meal an opportunity to stretch my stomach to new heights and see how nauseous I could get. 

Binge eating was my thing. Depressed over what others said? Eat something.

Anxious over the new tactics my classmates would employ? Eat something.

You get the idea.

This armor was and is weak, but it's still there doing it's best to protect. It's a dangerous thing, however, since obesity itself leads to other horrible diseases. Being fat isn't healthy, but it's a method of coping with other issues. Those issues need to be addressed before, during, and after weight loss. 

Everyone wants me to lose weight, get healthy, etc. Fit the accepted standard of appearance. Fit something that I was never meant to fit into. Imagine if we all fit into the narrow ideal of womanhood? How fucking boring. I’ve chosen to concern myself with my physical and mental health. Facing the trauma and mindset that led me here rather than the mercurial image of the hour. This is the only way I can see forward in not perpetuating the cycle of eating emotions, and protecting myself through flesh. 

Health isn’t a number, or a shape. It’s about acceptance of where you came from, where you’re currently at, and where you want to go. It’s about reaching out to people who can help, like an understanding doctor, therapist, friends and family. It's about acceptance, and the willingness to change what you need too in order to be health, happy, doing what you love. 

obese, fat phobic, binge eating, mental health

It’s about finding the internal reason divorced from the hell that is the health industry.

There’s an idea that if you’re overweight, you’ve chosen to be that way.

It’s easy to change...

You’re lazy.

The ignorance is real. When obese people try to explain how they feel, what’s going on with’s brushed away as excuses. Justification of the “choice” to be fat. For some, being obese is an eating disorder. It needs the compassion, interventions, and help from those around them. We need you to listen to us when we speak about our obesity. 

Not judgement.

For fuck’s sake...don’t you know we obese people judge ourselves the harshest?

We battle the image in the mirror, the voices of “professionals”, the statements made by friends and foes alike. We battle our own voices, the loudest of all. Instead of help, we’ve given rote answers. Instead of understanding, we’re met with condemnation.

We need help.
We need interventions.
We need compassion.
We need support.

Some of us can fight for help. Many cannot. Many don’t realize they are worth fighting for. We need the cooperative of a team to un-bury ourselves from the dark hole of added weight. The body positive movement wants us to embrace being healthy at any size, contrary to research stating that the more you weigh the higher the chances/probability of developing additional diseases. 

It's no wonder people don't know how to deal with those who are obese with the mixed messages out there. What I wish for, what I hope for, is that you simply listen to and support those who are struggling with their weight, their image, being healthy, having a healthy relationship with food, etc. 

Because I'll tell you, I don't have a healthy relationship with food. It's a daily struggle to face my habits and processes that lie to me about food. Almost daily, I find myself in a cycle of thoughts that become obsessive about what I eat, where I eat, how often, why I eat, is this okay for me, will this hurt my body or progress? 

The thought vomit is huge, and once the cycle starts it takes awhile to end. So friends... be kind to those who are obese in your life. They carry struggles and battles you won't easily see. Listen to them. Validate their feelings. Support them. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

11 Self-Care Practices In My Daily Routine - I Have A Chronic Disease


Having a Chronic Disease Means I Need a Self Care Routine, and So Should You. Here are 11 Things I Aim To Do Every Day For Whole Health. 

self care routines with chronic disease, hashimotos disease

I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid. This affects my entire system, since the thyroid controls the hormones. Although I'm medicated, I still experience symptoms, and have flare-ups. Self care routines have been something I've wanted to do, but felt like it was too much. 

After experiencing my lowest low, I decided I needed to make taking care of myself my priority over everything else. It would be the only way I could take care of my family, and create my passion, i.e. writing, videos, photography. It's still a process, one I'm fine tuning as I go. Listening to my body, mind and soul through this whole thing is showing me just how much my body needs disconnected from anything fast, sudden, overwhelming. In this disconnect I become connected to the slower nature, the single tasked life.

Depression also holds a big slice of my pie, anxiety not too far behind. Between the three, I knew I needed something to help me do the basics for living my life. I also knew that checklists and timers help motivate me when not much else does. With a chronic disease, most things feel insurmountable. 

hashimotos disease, autoimmune disease, 11 self care practices in my daily routine

Cue the daily routine checklist of self care, with time limits on the tasks that need them.

1. Meditate - any length of time, sometimes it's guided sometimes I choose a few songs to play and allow myself to observe my thoughts and relax anything in my body that is tense.

2. Journal - I set up a journal template in Notion, and use that to write every morning. It's one accommodation I've made.

3. Yoga or walk - any length of time, honestly just moving is enough for me.

4.Medications - self explanatory, but this also means that I take time once a week to refill my container to make it easier each day.

5. Supplements - I have to set this up better, but for right now it's by the coffee machine, since I drink coffee a few times a day.

6. Brush teeth - I can forget to take care of personal hygiene, so having this here helps tremendously.

7. Hydrate - another reminder needed!

8. Positive affirmation - I really want to focus on changing limiting beliefs, and the best way I know how, besides journalling, is positive affirmations.

9. Shower or bath - more hygiene things I can forget to do when my mental health is poor.

10. Read 10m of non-fiction book - I have many NF books, and want to work through them. I'm starting with Paganism, and it's been great for spiritual growth and grounding.

11. Write 10m - I want to show up every day, and do the bare minimum. Meaning I just want to show up and guard my energy. Ten minutes isn't long, but it's long enough to get some progress made on my writing. Which is all I want.

You'll see different areas addressed in there, like hygiene, medical, mental, spiritual, self reflective, action based. I'm started with baby steps. Keeping it easier, rather than harder. Keeping it something I can accomplish, not something that wants to demolish me.

I've also given myself permission to journal on the computer, use music to focus and relax (instead of quiet), though quite is great when I can get it. The key to my progress is allowing myself to take something 'they' say is great for health, and making it mine. Making it doable and consistent for me. In the perfect world, I'd hand write my journaling. Reality is that for me to do it, it's through typing.

11 self care practices in my daily routine when I have a chronic disease

Making things work with what I'm capable of RIGHT NOW is the key to how I'm doing better now than I have been. Realistically, seeing where I'm at, and then adjusting things to accommodate myself, has been the best change in my thought process. 

I'm also building an evening routine. I'll share when I find what works for me. I need to move slowly and carefully. Always monitoring my energy levels. This is a blessing, not a curse. I've thought it's a curse... but this morning's journaling session revealed just how much it was a blessing. Going slow means I make progress. Going slow means I can smell the roses as I walk past them. Taking my time means I can pivot easier when things happen, or change.

I encourage you to consider your practices right now, evaluate your energy levels and adjust as you need too. It's okay to change things so they fit you. Don't let the proverbial 'they or them' dictate what is healthy for you. Only you know that

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